7 easy AI prompt patterns to help you grow

In a world that seems to be full of AI innovation, Kwasi breaks down simple ways you can use AI to find benefits in your life!

Hey, it’s been a while! I hope you’ve been well. I’ve been busy completing a Prompt Engineering Specialization course from Vanderbilt University to improve my understanding and ability to operate in this artificial intelligence (AI) world we seem to be going into. After taking the first 18-hour course of 3, I want to share what I’ve learnt so far in a short blog post. I’m developing proficiencies in making effective prompts for any task you can think of, strengthening my data analysis abilities, and building an understanding of when to best apply AI to be agile.

I want to take you on this learning journey with me, and hopefully help you understand this AI stuff a bit more. (The following blog post was created with assistance from ChatGPT through summarizing the 45 pages of notes from the course I took). If you like content like this, want a workshop on using AI, or want to chat more about how I can support you in your AI journey, feel free to get in contact with me!


In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI, understanding how to effectively communicate with AI can play a big role in supporting one’s personal, career, and entrepreneurial development. At The Reach Series, we believe in continuous learning, and leveraging technology and resources to support your growth. Today, we dive into seven powerful prompt patterns that can transform the way you interact with AI: the persona, audience persona, cognitive verifier, outline expander, question refinement, flipped interaction, and recipe patterns. Let's explore how these prompt patterns can support your journey. These are just a few of the many examples I learned, but I wanted to share the ones I felt you could apply to your life right away!

Prompt patterns are basically ways that AI prompts can be worded to get certain answers. Imagine you're going to a convenience store and see different candies in different boxes. Prompt patterns are the boxes, and the candies are the answers you're looking for!

Persona Prompt

The persona prompt involves instructing the AI to adopt a specific character or role. By providing the AI with a clear persona, you can generate responses that are tailored to a particular perspective or expertise. For example, you might ask the AI to respond as a seasoned entrepreneur, a wellness coach, or a marketing expert. I’ve even asked ChatGPT to give me career advice while acting like Sonic the Hedgehog. This approach is invaluable for gaining diverse insights and perspectives, making it a potent tool for personal growth and career advancement.


- Gaining expert advice in different fields in palatable ways.

- Exploring various viewpoints on a topic.

- Simulating conversations with industry leaders.


- "Answer this question as a marketing expert: What are the key elements of a successful campaign?"

- "Provide advice on stress management as a wellness coach."

- "Explain the importance of networking for entrepreneurs."

Audience Persona Prompt

Similar to the persona prompt, the audience persona prompt focuses on tailoring the AI's responses to a specific audience's needs and preferences. By defining your target audience, you can generate content that resonates more deeply with them. Whether you're preparing a speech, writing a blog post, or developing marketing materials, understanding your audience is key to effective communication. You can also use this to break complex topics down in simple ways. I once asked ChatGPT to explain the pros and cons of different types of exercise as if I were a high school student (I have a Kinesiology degree from McMaster, but was still curious how it would answer) - it was really helpful!


- Crafting messages that engage your target audience.

- Enhancing customer outreach and engagement.

- Creating content that speaks directly to your audience's needs and interests.


- "Write an introductory email for a new wellness program targeting young professionals."

- "Create a social media post promoting a new product to tech-savvy millennials."

- "Draft a speech for a high school graduation ceremony."

Cognitive Verifier Prompt

The cognitive verifier prompt is a powerful tool for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of information. By instructing the AI to verify facts, double-check data, or confirm the validity of statements, you can produce content that is both credible and trustworthy. This pattern is particularly useful for research, content creation, and any scenario where precision is important. Please note that AI responses should always be taken with a grain of salt. Use your discretion and review when engaging with it.


- Fact-checking and verifying information.

- Ensuring the accuracy of research materials.

- Enhancing the credibility of your content.


- "Verify the latest statistics on global internet usage."

- "Check the accuracy of this historical fact about World War II."

- "Confirm the sources for these scientific research findings from the response you just provided."

Question Refinement Prompt

Asking the right questions is crucial for obtaining valuable insights. The question refinement prompt helps you build on your initial prompts to elicit more specific and informative responses from the AI. By refining your questions, you can explore topics more deeply and uncover nuanced information that might otherwise be overlooked. Asking AI to give you an improved question can help you get more from what you put in.


- Improving the quality of your inquiries.

- Gaining deeper insights into complex topics.

- Enhancing your research and investigative skills.


- "Refine this question to better understand the economic impact of remote work."

- "Improve this question to get detailed information about healthy eating habits."

- "Make this question more specific to learn about the challenges of starting a business."

Flipped Interaction Prompt

The flipped interaction prompt involves reversing the typical AI interaction by having the AI ask you questions. This pattern encourages introspection and self-reflection, making it an excellent tool for personal development and creative brainstorming. By answering the AI's questions, you can uncover new ideas, clarify your thoughts, and gain fresh perspectives. 


- Stimulating creative thinking and brainstorming.

- Encouraging self-reflection and introspection.

- Enhancing problem-solving skills through guided questioning.


- "Ask me questions to help me brainstorm new business ideas."

- "Pose questions that will guide me through reflecting on my career goals."

- "Help me explore my creative process by asking insightful questions."

Recipe Pattern Prompt

The recipe pattern prompt provides step-by-step instructions for completing tasks or achieving goals. By asking the AI to outline a process in a structured way, you can break down complex tasks into manageable steps. This pattern is especially useful for project management, learning new skills, and developing actionable plans.


- Breaking down complex tasks into simple steps.

- Creating actionable plans for personal and professional goals.

- Enhancing project management and organizational skills.


- "Create a step-by-step guide for launching a new product."

- "Outline the process for setting up a personal budget."

- "Develop a detailed plan for writing a research paper."

Outline Expander Prompt

When developing complex ideas or extensive projects, the outline expander prompt can be a game-changer. By providing the AI with a basic outline, you can ask it to expand on each point, offering detailed explanations, examples, and additional insights. This approach is ideal for creating comprehensive reports, detailed plans, or in-depth articles. It is very effective when used after a Recipe Pattern Prompt for example.


- Developing thorough and well-structured content.

- Expanding on initial ideas and concepts.

- Creating detailed project plans and reports.


- "Expand on this outline for a blog post about the benefits of mindfulness."

- "Develop a detailed business plan from this brief outline."

- "Elaborate on these key points for a presentation on climate change."


Incorporating these prompt patterns into your interactions with AI can open up new avenues for growth and development. At The Reach Series, we're committed to helping you explore your possibilities and achieve your goals. By using these prompt techniques, you can use the full potential of AI to support your personal, career, and entrepreneurial journey. Try to mix prompt patterns and get creative with it too - that’s where a lot of the magic happens!

If you're interested in learning more about how AI can enhance your growth or a group you work with, feel free to reach out through our contact page for a discussion or what a speaking engagement/workshop could look like. I'm also on LinkedIn. Together, let's continue to unlock the power of AI and create a future filled with endless possibilities.

Have a great day!

The photo used for this blog is courtesy of The Vision of Meli.

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